Argumentive essay on abortion
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Research Proposal on Language and Culture Essay Example
Research Proposal on Language and Culture Essay Language and culture are the two interrelated segments which can not exist without each other, in light of the fact that the language is coordinated by culture and the sort of culture is uncovered in the wealth of the lingual jargon. The thought regarding the connection of language and culture show up in the start of the twentieth century when the therapists and etymologists began considering the variables which impact the quality and amount of the jargon. The interesting idiosyncrasies of the language, the one of a kind words and word-blends were in the focal point of their examination. Etymologists have found that various societies have distinctive comprehension of the world and the consequence of this distinction is seen in the human language. Obviously, the way of life and regular habitat and states of life assume the significant job in the making of the human language and particularly its jargon. On the off chance that the nation is arranged on the regions encompassed via ocean, it will doubtlessly have rich jargon related with the shoreline, the ocean creatures and plants. In correlation with the way of life that live in the dry territories, the way of life living on the ocean side will have many words about the shade of the ocean and the climate which could never exist in different societies existing in other topographical conditions. At that point, the way of life likewise impacts the sort of language, the style of discussion, and so forth. For instance, in certain societies the procedure of discussion is went with signals and emulates, while in different societies the discussion is somewhat controlled. We will compose a custom paper test on Research Proposal on Language and Culture explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Research Proposal on Language and Culture explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Research Proposal on Language and Culture explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Language and culture are the significant issues which can not be watched independently, on the grounds that each language decides the way of life and it is straightforward the historical backdrop of the language simply focusing on the way of life and the earth of the language local speakers. The understudy can harp on the clarification of the association among language and culture and set up a convincing proposition which can demonstrate to the teacher the importance and nature of the chose point. One ought to dissect the point truly and conceptualize a fascinating hypothesis or idea which can be connected with language and culture. The proposition should be led in the proper powerful way and contain reliable strategies for the exploration. The most convoluted second connected with the association of an exploration proposition is the correct creation of the content and designing of the paper, so one can explain these issues with the help of the Internet and a free model research proposition on language and culture. The understudy can widen his standpoint following the rules of a free example examine proposition on language and culture composed by the accomplished and top-qualified master in his field.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Product Life Cycle Essay Example for Free
Item Life Cycle Essay Global PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE The global item life cycle is a hypothetical model depicting how an industry advances after some time and across national fringes. This hypothesis likewise outlines the advancement of a company’s showcasing program while contending on both residential and remote fronts. Universal item life cycle ideas consolidate monetary standards, for example, showcase advancement and economies of scale, with item life cycle advertising and other standard plans of action. The four essential components of the universal item life cycle hypothesis are: the structure of the interest for the item, fabricating, worldwide rivalry and showcasing system, and the advertising methodology of the organization that concocted or developed the item. These components are classified relying upon the product’s stage in the conventional item life cycle. Presentation, development, development, and decrease are the phases of the fundamental item life cycle. During the presentation stage, the item is new and not totally comprehended by most purchasers. Clients that do comprehend the item might be eager to address a greater expense for a front line great or administration. Creation is subject to gifted workers delivering in short runs with quickly changing assembling strategies. The pioneer advertises for the most part locally, infrequently fanning out to offer the item to purchasers in other created nations. Universal rivalry is normally nonexistent during the presentation stage, however during the development stage rivals in created markets start to duplicate the item and sell locally. These contenders may likewise stretch out and start sending out, frequently beginning with the province that at first developed the item. The development stage is likewise set apart by a rising item standard dependent on large scale manufacturing. Cost wars frequently start as the pioneer breaks into an expanding measure of created nations, acquainting the item with new and undiscovered markets. Eventually, the item enters the development phase of the universal item life cycle and even the worldwide commercial center gets immersed, implying that nearly everybody who might purchase the item has gotten it, either from the advancing organization or one of its rivals. Organizati ons go after the rest of the customers through brought down costs and propelled item includes. Creation is steady, with an attention on cost-cutting assembling techniques, so brought down costs might be given to esteem cognizant shoppers. Item trailblazers must monitor both foreignâ and household markets from universal rivalry, while at long last breaking into more dangerous creating markets looking for new clients. At the point when the item arrives at the decrease stage, the pioneers may move creation into these creating nations with an end goal to help deals and minimize expenses. During decay, the item may get outdated in most created nations, or the cost is driven so low that the market turns out to be near 100% soaked.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Phenomenon Of The Salem Witch Trials - Free Essay Example
Nowadays, America is the top country in the world. The U.S keeps developing day by day. When someone talks about America, people know it as a big country, has a good education system, and strong economic. But how many people know about Americars history? How many people know what America experienced to be so strong as today? Before America became so strong as today, it experienced many crises throughout . Some of events that led to death of many innocent people were The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism. Nowadays, every high school teaches about The Salem Witch Trials. Everything began when the Puritans moved to Salem- a town in Massachusetts. The reasons the Puritans moved to Salem is because they wanted to practice their religion freely. Religion of the Puritans was Christian and they had strongly believed in God. Their laws were so harsh; thatrs why if anyone did something strange or do not follow a strict moral code, they would think the people want to be against them. The Salem Witch Trials occurred from February 1692 to May 1693. It started when two girls named Betty and Abigail suddenly screamed, threw things and made some weird sounds. They covered their ears in church, and was tried to commit suicide by jumping into a fire. The local doctors could not find the reason so they blamed it on the supernatural and declared that witches were in Salem. The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller talks about this event. The book says everything began because of a girl who Abiga il William. When she and her friends danced in the forest, her uncle caught them and Petty- her cousin immediately fainted then never woke up. She was sleeping for a long time, her uncle even invited doctor to find the reason why she did not wake up yet, but the doctor could not. However, at that time, dancing is a sin in Salem- Puritans believe that it represents for guilty and temptation. Abigail started to spread a rumor of witchcraft, because of fear of punishment that she would put in jail if people know she wasnt following the rule. She started to blame on others. Some facts such as in The Witches book of Stacy Schiff, and University of Virginia said that because the girls want to harm people who they do not like, they want to put others in jail so they could take their land and get more money. Furthermore, there was conflict between some wealthy families, so they took advantage of this rumor as an excuse to remove people they do not like. This rumor made everyone in Salem scared. Especially, the people who lived in Salem strongly believed in religion so they believed that the Devil could give witches power to harm others to get witches loyalty. Many innocent people- mostly women were accused because someone charged them with witchcraft. People would ac cuse others because some strange acts or as what people say is not following the rule of village, against God. They would based it on bring them to the court to jail, asked them some stupid questions; and if they confessed they were witches, they worked for Devil, people would let them go. But if they were stubborn, and did not confess that they were witches, people would hang them. Many people confessed to avoid punishment. So it meant they had no choice to prove that they were innocent. The trials were happening for a year until people stopped hunting for witches because they had lost their friends and family. Another reason was because when the Trials started, it targeted people in the lower class so they did not have enough power to defend themselves, but now spread out to upper class people. Everything had gone beyond the limit, it turned the whole village into chaos. It reached the limit when someone accused Governor Phipsrs- the Governor of Massachusetts who created the witc hcraft Court of Oyster and Terminer wife, so he decided to dissolve the court. As a result, over one hundred fifty people were accused of witchcraft, twenty nine convicted, and nine teen were hanged ( mostly women, only one man were pressing under many stones to death), six others died in prison. The term people used to called the reason for this event is mass hysteria. Mass hysteria is a phenomenon when a rumor spread out in society, whether real or imaginary, be popular in the society as a result of rumors and fear. The reason why it impacted people in Salem because at that time people in Salem had stress from a growing population and narrow opportunities for women to participate in society; King Charles II repealed the Massachusetts Bayrs charter as a result of not following a tariff, and navigation laws. Besides, the winter of 1692- 1693 was also harsh, it made they did not do well in agriculture. One of the most concrete studies, published by psychologist Linnda Caporael, said that the reason of some strange acts because of the fungus ergot, it found as a ingredient in Salemrs bread at that time. Some scientists say that eating ergot in their food will lead to vomiting, paralyzed inability, and hallucinations. Also, the fungus thrives in warm and wet climates- no t too unlike with the climate in Salem. But because of the time, people did not have enough knowledge, and science equipments to analyze, prove to understand it. So they started to believe in some nonsensical things to cover fears. Whenever a society feels threatened, the people may project fears onto something else. Arthur Miller stated in The Crucible (1953) that: He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from here! (145). He was writing this quote This is an impressive quote and very meaningful to people who read the book realize that even John made Elizabeth disappointed, she still forgives him. Thatrs why she did not take his last chance to John saves his eternity. Another quote from the famous book about the Witches by Stacy Schiff is In 1692, The Massachusetts Bay Colony executed four teen women, five men, and two dogs for witchcraft ( Schiff 3) . It describes how crazy this event was, they even accused animals being witches. Everything was chaos, people could not distinguish between right and wrong. They did not care about morals, or dogma. Some accused whoever they wanted. Some cared about themselves and ignored the lives of others. They accused whoever they think are witches without anything to prove as insane. Humans indifference is a terrible thing. God knows I am innocen t. I can deny wickedness. I do not plead guiltily Rebecca Nurse says. This quote is from a real victim and it is even engraved on rock nowadays in Salem and be a popular place that visitors comes. This quote expresses the despair of Rebecca. Even when threatened to admit guilt, she was still stubborn and did not admit it because she knew she did nothing wrong and was not ashamed of herself. She believed that God knows it. One of the first victims was accused of being witchcraft is said to be Rev. Nicholas Noyes- a colonial minister at the time: Youre a liar! Im no more a witch than you are a wizard! If you take my life away, God will give you blood to drink!- Sarah Good. This quote was from The Witches book by Stacy Schiff. Noyes died twenty years late, choking on his own blood. That message was show of her belief in God, and it was a her curse for Noyes before she was hanged. That curse has come as was proof of her innocence, and integrity. The horrors of history are passed on from generation to generation in the hope that they will never happen again. However, in the 1950s, history repeats itself. At the same time, The Salem Witch Trials was about witchcraft. McCarthyism was about communism. McCarthyism happened during 1950-1954. It was the horrible time in American history. McCarthyism also known as the Red Scare, occurred in United States. Everything started because of Senator Joseph McCarthy. In a speech, he proclaimed that he was aware of two hundred fifty members of the Communist Party was working in United States Department. This speech opened a new era of paranoia and accusations in America. The reason why everybody started believing in what he said was because at the time, the US and the Soviet Union were allied to fight against the Hitler. Also during that time, WW II, American communists spied for the Russians on America. After the WW II, after knowing about the news that Soviet Union created their first atomic bomb in 1949, people feared that the USSR would drop nuclear bombs on their whole country. Also in the same year, the largest population in the world, China, became communist like the Soviet Union. Furthermore, the eastern of half Europe was controlled by Joseph Stalin- he was a dictator of the Soviet Union, he made USSR from a weak and poor country to a strong and super power country under his influence but because of his cruelty, many people were died, and when Americans heard or read any thing related to it, it would be a new threat to them. Besides, when the Cold War escalated and this espionage became known, domestic communism came to be seen as a threat to national security. McCarthy accused people by non sense ways. Many people innocent were accused. Like if unfortunately, someone had a group of mix race friends, they would be accused or just because they joined any documents against nuc lear weapons, or people just based on their habits that modern art, they would be accused. Most of the victims who were accused was people who worked in entertainment industry. The famous thing was come from this event called Hollywood Blacklist, it was created by the House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC), it was a small group of ten people at first called Hollywood Ten. Because of the nationrs fear was spreading out endless, HUAC have opened up a series of investigations to explore communism in Hollywood. The government started by inviting first ten people were working in Hollywood, most of them were screenwriter, filmmakers, etc. The Hollywood Ten refused to answer the questions of HUAC in the basis that it was a violation of their rights and because they knew that if they cooperated with the committee, they would be next asked to name names o other potential communist sympathizers. McCarthy exploited that to help his position, and his political party in the State Department. He became famous by show off the list of people who were communist. Other politicians made the motivation to make McCarthy keep doing that- accused everyone insanely, and created some fake evidences to charge people being communist. People who were accused would put in jail if they were citizens, if they were not, they would be send back to their country. McCarthy made a big mistake. He charged that communism was in CIA and U.S weapon industry. McCarthyrs wild accusations became a nuisance to Republican Party- the party that he was belong to. McCarthy was stubborn that he was right so the government decided to open the court to discuss a nd decide who was right about it. With the nonsense evidence, McCarthy lost. The McCarthy-Army hearings collapsed soon thereafter. Both Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are horrible events that no one in America wants to happen again. They have many similar things. In The Crucibleof Arthur Miller, he used the trials as an allegory for the McCarthyism paranoia in the 1950s. McCarthyism often is described as being a witch hunt due to its similarities to the Salem Witch Trials. McCarthy started McCarthyism as the group of girls started the Salem Witch Trials. He was like the group of girls, accusing innocent people of false acts. They both put pressure on the people they charged at being witches or communist until people confessed it in the court to avoid punishments. They grew mostly out of fear. They grew relentless in persecution of their opposing groups. Their persecution of the opposing party pretty much walked over the rights of the citizens. The matter of fact was that legal infractions were held to smaller degree than supporting the opposing party. Neither of these two needed much evidence to make an accusation and in the Salem Witch Trials most of the accusations were just based off of things that kids were seeing and in the United States, all people needed was a little bit of association from indirect people such Tituba- she was a slave of Parris and she was so close to his daughter so he was assuming that Tituba is the cause of why his daughter did not wake up, or Rebecca was a person who helped Ann Putnam had a newborn but mostly all her children were died so she was accused, etc and they were in it. It was a very strange time and many people were upset with the type of persecution that was happening. It is also consider that a lot of innocent people were persecuted. Both events regarded the victims as scapegoats for all the problems, they also led to reputation damage forever. Another similar thing is McCarthy and Abigail both had strongly believe that they were doing the right things and they should keep doing that. Abigail and McCarthy also were highly respected in the beginning, but their reputations had become ruined by the ends of the events that had taken place. These citizens were eventually downfall of the Trials and McCarthyism. Beside, The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism were occurrences of mass hysteria, hysteriars period. That is why many people listened and believed in McCarthy just as people in Salem were baselessly to the girls. McCarthyrs and the girls unsubstantiated claims ruined lives and led to increased hostility. In the McCarthy era many people lost their jobs, and were basically black mailed for isolation from everything, it means they could not get a new job from anywhere and the government would more notice of them, and in the Salem Witch Trials many people were hanged, and lost their relatives. In both Puritans and McC arthyism, the desire to maintain a social order, based on the dominance of white, be a wealth man, was very strong. McCarthyism and The Salem Witch Trials had many similar things but that does not mean they do not have different things. One different points that every one can see that the time it happened. McCarthyism occurred 1950-1954, while The Salem Witch Trials occurred about three hundred years ago (1692-1692). Beside, McCarthyism happened between two political parties and it was more about politics than religion as Salem Witch Trials were. McCarthy accused people of being communists, whereas Abigail accused people of being witches. Another difference is some of the first people who were accused of being witches wereoutsidersof those who accused, and practiced evil because they were different. Some people were not used to some of the things different people did so they automatically figured they were associated with the Devil. But in McCarthyism, some of the first people who were accused were insiders, people that were in the entertainment business and had relations, connections with many people. So those people were accused of being communist because they were part of a really huge and international industry. The difference between two events is the reason why people accused each other. For Salem Witch Trials, people were accused because of revenge; for example: Ann Putnam accused Rebecca Nurse of being witchcraft because she wanted to revenge the Nurse family of taking their land. For McCarthyism, people created accusations to gain status. Like if they accused someone being communist, they would be rewarded and it would be in their status, they also get less risk of accusations. Besides, the one big different thing between two events was their punishment. The severity of punishments was very much different landscape at the time. In McCarthyism, being in the U.S and being called a communist could result in jail time, blacklist from their occupation. Most of them came out with a bad reputation whether or not they denied it. Meanwhile, Salem took it up a notch being accused of witchcraft could result in immediate execution, hanging, burning by stake. An accusation of witchcraft was as good as a ticket for death row at that time. The Salem Witch Trials hindered the community, it kind of represented that victims know the church was the main power in the community and they were going against. It was a little different, McCarthyism spreads this one may have been more severed, it spreads to industry, it was not only hindered communities and made the United States look a little paranoid at the time. The huge another difference things is that where two events affected. In McCarthyism, it took place and was going on throughout the whole country United of America. Meanwhile, the Salem Witch Trials were limited in a town of Salem, Massachusetts. These two events show off clearly about ways human being themselves in and over time. Nowadays when people look back they can see how selfish they were, how stupid they were, how coward people were, and how they react to something no logical when they were obsessed about their fears a lot. Both events accused innocent people for trying to find something can cover their fears. All the people who appeared to accuse people in Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism has lied. They lied for their benefits; in Salem Witch Trials, if they accused someone, they can harm the person they hate, they would not see that person anymore; meanwhile in McCarthyism if people accused someone of being communist, they would be rewarded and risk of suspicion from the government. It shows off the selfish. This evidence shows that how selfish people were. In Salem, people accused everyone they think were witches by insanity ways, it happened the same with McCarthyism, people started to believe somethin g without evidence or anything to prove after they listen to Abigail and McCarthy, they were weaker, they did not stand for their points of view, because of many thing were happening around them before, all of those made them easily get persuaded. This action was showing how weak they were and how they became foolish when they had crisis.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Brief Look at DNA Profiling - 1366 Words
DNA profiling has several advantages in helping solve crimes, however, there are still disadvantages to this technique. DNA profiling can be beneficial, as well as detrimental to the society we live in. DNA profiling has become the most widely used tool in the field of forensics because of the advantages it has to offer, although there are some drawbacks when it comes to utilizing this technique. DNA profiling has greatly enhanced law enforcement investigation by helping determine the suspect in a criminal investigation, minimizing the amount of unjustified arrests, and by overturning wrongful guilty sentencing. While DNA profiling has advantages in the field of forensics, it also has disadvantages. A few of the key disadvantages of DNA profiling are easy contamination, wrongful convictions, and access to and use of data. One of the foundations in the field of forensics is the examination of DNA. DNA is the digenetic element which exists in each and every cell. Every human being has an exclusive analysis of DNA. In fact, there are even a small amount of variations among the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of identical twins. DNA profiling was established in the 1980s by Sir Alec Jeffreys, a scientist from Britain. Investigators can obtain DNA for profiling from various evidence from a crime scene. DNA can be obtained from vital fluid, semen, epidermis, saliva, mucus, sweat and roots of hair. Additionally, profiling can be performed on old, as well as dried out specimens. OneShow MoreRelatedCrisp Essay1457 Words  | 6 PagesInterspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, or CRISPR, is a DNA segment which contains brief reappearances of base sequences. CRISPR is a method for modifying the human genome and allows scientists to cut out sections of DNA and replace them; by replacing faulty genes, CRISPR may be able to prevent numerous diseases. To understand how CRISPR works, it is broken down in a two-step process. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Manner in Which Online Banking Has Evolved for HSBC Bank and the M Research Paper
Essays on The Manner in Which Online Banking Has Evolved for HSBC Bank and the Manner It Is Creating Problems for the Banks Research Paper The paper â€Å"The Manner in Which Online Banking Has Evolved for HSBC Bank and the Manner It Is Creating Problems for the Banks†is a  delightful version of a research paper on marketing. The growth in technological advancement has made people look towards more advanced ways in the banking system. The banking system, as a result, has evolved and provides complete internet solutions to the people. The study helps to highlight the manner in which internet banking has evolved for HSBC Bank.Understanding the requirements of the customers and developing services accordingly is the main objective of the baking system. The study presents the manner in which online banking is creating a problem for HSBC customers and ways that will help to improve online customer banking satisfaction.The rationale of the studyThe study on the problem due to online banking for HSBC bank is being conducted due to the following reasonsUnderstanding the manner in which online banking has revolutioniz ed the banking systemThe growing use of online banking despite scams and frauds being an inherent part of itObjectivesIt is important to identify the objectives of this study so that a clear direction is given to the study and the importance of the study magnifies. The objectives areTo find the current situation of online banking in HSBC BankTo identify the problems surrounding online banking in HSBC bankTo find out the customer expectations and what does online banking provides in realityTo find out ways in which the magnitude of the problem associated with online banking can be reducedAbout HSBC bankHSBC is one of the largest banks established in London. The bank has around 8000 offices in 87 countries all over the world (HSBC Website, 2011). The bank was started in 1865 and has grown to different countries. The offering by the bank has grown and the use of technological advancement has made it easy for HSBC bank to provide quality service.HSBC bank offers a variety of products an d services based on the customer requirements which have helped the banking institution ensure quality in service. HSBC bank has recently faced certain issues due to technological advancement which has created doubts in the mind of people and customer satisfaction has reduced due to it.The above graph shows the manner in which HSBC bank works and the different mechanisms it uses to provide customers varied services. The above chart shows that HSBC bank uses online banking as a medium to provide goods and services to the customers which result in additional pressure for HSBC bank due to the technological advancement and problems associated with it.Literature ReviewThe literature review which are past studies conducted in the same direction and highlights the issues and importance being laid on online banking. Some of the notable studies in this direction are as followsA study in this direction says that security is a major issue that surrounds online banking and customers are willing to switch to online ways but security needs to be looked after (Martin, 1998). Along with these banks should ensure that their website is cluttered with advertisement thereby making it difficult for the customer (Hamlet, 2000) to use online services to the fullest.This has been further substantiated by the fact that attitudinal factors have relevance to people using online services (Tan Teo, 2000) which gets further influenced by prior experience of using technology (Karjaluoto, 2002). The fear in the mind of customers using online facilities gets magnified due to information sharing and distrust (Rotchanakitumnuai Speece, 2004) which arises due to the usage of online facilities.
Challenges in Implementing Innovation Project Management Scholars
Question: Describe about the Challenges in Implementing Innovation Project for Management Scholars. Answer: Introduction Innovation has become one of the key aspects of business in the last few decades. From the point of view of the most management scholars innovation is one of the tools that have given top most multinational companies competitive advantage in the market and hence in the recent years innovation management has become one of the most spoken words from the parlance of business management. The managers from all around the world has emphasised highly on innovation on products and services which would allow the company to gain to competitive advantage in the market successfully (Manyika et al., 2011). In this scenario companies have faced certain situations which initially they were not prepared for and hence faced serious challenges in the market. These challenge the capability to innovate which has affected business of multinational companies due to the tremendous rivalry in the market and one such company is Apple Inc. Apple is considered as a behemoth in the global IT industry and the ov er the years the company has produced excellent quality IT products right from the McIntosh Computers to IPods and then the legacy of iPhones the company has done it all (Drucker, 2014). Apple is considered as one of the most creative companies which have brought number of new technologies on the table for the consumers with its products which have helped the company to have huge market share in the global IT market. In the recent past the company has faced number of problems regarding innovation which puts the company in immense pressure due to the emergence of companies like Samsung, Microsoft, HTC et cetera. The rationale of the present study lies in the fact that in the recent past Apple had serious problems with implementation of innovation on iPhones which has pushed the company in back foot. Hence the present study will discuss the key problems of innovation that the company has faced while its project of latest iPhone was under process (Chesbrough, 2010). It will not only discuss the challenges faced by the company in terms of innovation but will also suggest effective strategies that could possibly help the company to come out of the innovation problem. Innovation problem of Apple iPhone For a long period of time Apple Inc has been competing in the market with the likes of Samsung, Microsoft and other mobile companies at ease but with the time passing by and Samsung with its latest technology and sleek style have been able to outplay Apple in some of the important markets that have questioned the innovative ability of Apple Inc. In the international arena there has been a buzz that Apple doesnt have anything new up its sleeve to offer the consumers and this has provided strong competitive advantage to companies like Microsoft and Samsung. There has been number of significant discussions by management scholars and innovation experts who have tried to identify the exact problem of the company and all of them has almost got similar result which revolves around innovation which means the real problem that the company has had in the recent past is innovation in its products (Jaffe Lerner, 2011). For the most IT companies nowadays it is extremely important to understand that essentiality of innovation and Apple has been consistently doing that before it got stuck with its latest iPhone that is iPhone 7. Every time Apple has come up with a product it has been something which has attracted the consumers but presently as per top management gurus Apple is nothing a but an exclusive brand which has an excellent brand image and thats what exactly pulling sales for the company. Apple has always strived to implement the best possible approach to innovation which involves resources, time and finance but the company hasnt been able to implement innovation process in the latest development of iPhone. It is a fact now in the technology industry that innovation has become quite stagnant for Apple as an organisation which has always strived to bring out the best from the latest technology (Sapprasert Clausen, 2012). The history says it all, that over the years people have supported innovation in IT very generously as they have got the taste of latest technology through these devices. The innovation problem in Apple has seriously taken the drivers seat in the age of disruptive technology trend. In the last few years in fact to say after the death of the companys visionary leader Steve Jobs the company Apple has not been able to capitalise on the innovative capability it has. The top management professionals in the current market have stated that the last big thing that Apple did was the launch of iPhone and then eventually nothing big really happened for the company. It somehow got stagnated with its innovative ideas or is it that the company really doesnt have anything to innovate. This could be clearly understood by the innovation project implemented for its latest product that is iPhone 7 (Horibe, 2016). In the last few years Apple has been severely criticised for its not so valuable creativity that have been implemented in its iPhone models and the legacy continued with the launch of iPhone 6 and 6s which the company thought would lay the path for the launch of iPhone 7, but something changed drastically as the company lost significant market share due to the failure of innovation in its mobile phone models. The last few editions of iPhone have seen nothing new conspicuously and this puts a huge question mark on the innovation capability of the company. The launch of the iPhone 6 comes as another mid life iPhone face lift which is definitely not going serve the purpose of capturing the market very easily (Naranjo-Valencia et al., 2011). The looks of the phones remain the same and even here there are no high surprises that hinder the growth of its market. The live photo concept in the device could be considered as the cross between the work that Vine and Google have been doing for a little while now so nothing rings the bell even in this segment. With the increasing market competition Apple has somehow succumbed to the pressure as its iPhone 6s also had nothing new and is pretty similar to iPad mini which is definitely going to affect the market of the later. In this scenario the iPhone 7 had been planned to salvage pride and resurrect the lost faith of the customers on Apple (Davenport, 2013). The Innovation project of iPhone 7 had number of challenges that Apple will have to try to eliminate in its upcoming projects. Since the launch of iPad in 2010 the company did not come up with something which has the ability to shift the graph of the market towards the company and this has been one main reason for the huge fai lure of the company in the recent past. Hence it is important to mention the key challenges that the company had to face while implementing innovation project on Apple iPhone 7 (Horibe, 2016). Challenges faced by Apple in implementing innovation project From the parlance of management innovation will be effective if the employees in the company are effective which clearly means that the intellectual capital in an organisation is the key to success of innovation project. After the death of Steve Jobs and then the launch of latest iPhones and iWatch people are starting to get a clear view about the movement of Apple in terms of innovation. As stated earlier that for innovation to succeed it is important to implement creativity and this is what seems to be the main challenge for the company (Davenport, 2013). Creativity is something which helps to get the best possible result out of an idea. It seems that that the main challenge for Apple to implement innovation is their creativity problem. It seems the company has been pushed back to the wall in terms of creativity and now it is not able to compete with companies like Samsung who seems to be doing pretty well in the market. In the last few editions of iPhones Apple have been very particular about the investment of creativity. It seems that the company has invested ultimate intellectual firepower in its editions of iPhones and hardly has anything new to offer to the consumers. This has happened as the company has not been able to change the look of the phones and they are similar to the previous editions except the screen size which mainly comes with bigger screens. Hence it could be said that the employees in the research and development has not been able to come up with ample creative ideas which stands to be the challenge for the compa ny to change (Block Keller, 2015). The approach to systematic innovation is one of the major problems that the company had to face with the launch of iPhone. Due to the untimely death of Steve Jobs the company had to shift from the revolutionary thinking to systematic thinking and this is where the problem lies. Its because now the consumers have received more than they could imagine but systematic thinking wouldnt allow the innovation approach to move faster and this will reduce the innovation procedure which will definitely affect the innovation in the company. The development and launch of iPhones and their specifications have already been experienced by iPad a user which kind of makes the innovation very dull (Gember-Jacobson et al., 2015). Technology has been another problem for the company. Technological innovation is the most important innovation for a mobile phone company. Apple as an organisation has been able to manage its technology in a chronological manner but with iPhones being launched with the same style and format there has hardly been technological innovation and this is where Samsung has been able to capitalise on the market. For example Apple should develop upgrade the technology used in iOS as Android is moving very fast from Lollypop to Marshmallow and so on but Apple has somehow got stagnated in the development of its iOS. Alongside this iOS update procedure has been clearly a mess for the company and hence it will have to address this issue very soon as iPhone 7 users have suffered this problem as well. The recent problem of iOS 8.0.1update that affected havoc on the iPhone 6 users has dented the confidence of the consumers on Apple devices (Sundbo, 2015). The financial aspect of innovation in the project lifecycle is another key aspect that the company should focus on. After the death of Jobs company had reduced to invest more on innovation and has had a stipulated budget of $1billion which is not likely to help the company as they would need more of that in order to streamline the process of innovation and the biggest challenge for the company to take that risk. Hence it could be said that financial risk was also a challenge for the company for the company (Wu et al., 2015). Suggestions to overcome these problems From the above discussion it is very clear that the company hardly has a strong strategic framework for innovation and is aiming to ride on its brand image and goodwill to capture the market. Hence the first recommendation to overcome this problem would be to have a strong innovation framework which will involve discussions of areas which need innovations especially regarding Apple products (Ries, 2011). Apple is one of the most creative IT companies and hence it should use its creativity to good effect. For that having effective employees and visionary leaders within the organisation is very important. Effective research and development team and training team will have to play a huge role to prepare employees to create, innovate and implement their ideas in their respective jobs which will help to manage innovation effectively (Horibe, 2016). There are number of Technology companies who have shifted to Disruptive technology by the company is the best way to sweep the market off the feet. The disruptive technology is the latest trend and the company should capitalise more on it to develop the market. Innovation in that case will be more interesting and ideal for generation y consumers (Teece, 2010). Strong and efficient financial planning is important for the innovation project to be successful on a particular project. Similar to iPhone 6, 6s and 7 if the company comes up some new device it should have a proper innovation done on it which is only possible if creativity, intellectual property and financial resources are put together which will only happen if the company has effective financial planning done for the innovation framework (Goldberg, 2013). Conclusion Apples innovation problem regarding iPhone is real which directly indicates the companys inability to properly innovate and improve its products and hence it is important for the company to apply different strategies and hiring and channelising creative intellect. On the other hand it is also important that the company is able to utilise its financial resources effectively in order to ensure success in its innovation project (Gassmann et al., 2010). The present study has been successful in discussing the different aspects of innovation and how to improve innovation in a company which has helped to cover up the objectives of the study. 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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Universal Health Services (UHS) Proposed acquisition of Ascend Health Corporation
In the case, UHS agreed to acquire Ascend Health at an approximate value of $517 million. UHS and Ascend Health own an acute inpatient psychiatric facility. The facility provides diagnosis, treatment, and care of patient suffering from psychiatric condition. In the view of Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the psychiatric care facility is a discrete necessary product that cannot be substituted with other levels of care.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Universal Health Services (UHS) Proposed acquisition of Ascend Health Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, â€Å"the merger would create a virtual monopoly in the provision of acute inpatient psychiatric services to insured patients in the El Paso/Santo Teresa area†(Federal Trade Commission, 2012). The FTC investigated this merger that aimed at eliminating competition in the market between UHS and Ascend. The FTC considers this co mpetition valuable to the community since it provides lower health care costs, high quality of care, and improved services (Federal Trade Commission, 2012). Costs associated with antitrust behavior FTC fines firms which engage in antitrust behaviors. The fines can either be pecuniary (monetary) or non pecuniary (non momentary). In the case, the FTC required UHS to sell an acute inpatient psychiatric facility to settle the complaint. In addition, the commission will acquire a second facility from the group. Therefore, if the group goes into merger, they are likely to lose two leading facilities. The UHS case was investigated under Celler-Kefauver Act. The Act deals with outlawed asset-purchase mergers that can significantly reduce competition (Meier, Albert, Brau, 2012). Monopolies and oligopolies A monopolist market structure is characterized by a single firm. The market offers products which does not have a close substitute. It does not allow free entry and exit into the industry. A monopolist demand curve is downward sloping. This implies that as price increases, the monopolist sells less. Therefore, elasticity of demand is necessary for a monopolist. Monopolist pricing is not always at equilibrium. The market clears at the point where marginal revenue equals marginal cost. Monopolists carry out price fixing with an aim of gaining market power and preventing entry into the industry. A monopolist is a price maker and controls market supply of the good. A monopoly gains power from various sources such as having access to natural resources.Advertising Looking for critical writing on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This type of a monopoly is known as a natural monopoly. Also, a firm might be enjoying economies of scale. At this stage of production firms cannot join this industry thus giving rise to a monopoly. An oligopoly market structure is dominated by a few firms. The market structur e is characterized by collusions and price fixing (Baker Bresnahan, 2006) Inefficiencies caused by monopoly and oligopoly Monopoly and oligopoly market structures create imperfect competition in the economy. Imperfect competition is characterized by few suppliers and barrier to entry and exit among others. Imperfect competition creates X-efficiency. An example of this inefficiency is the deadweight loss. It is a cost created by market inefficiency to the society. When monopolists charge high prices, they do not receive the whole amount of the money. A portion is taken by the government in the form of taxes and there is a portion not taken by any player in the economy. It is known as the dead weight loss. Market inefficiency also creates rent-seeker behavior. This behavior can be two way. Either the government can seek natural resources from the monopolists or oligopolists and give to the citizens, or the firms can seek subsidies for goods from the government. The subsidies turn out to be profits for the firms (Baker Bresnahan, 2006). An example of an inefficient monopoly is the US Steel company Beneficial monopolies and oligopolies There are a number of monopolies are beneficial to the society. For instance, government monopolies are created to provide essential goods and services to the society. An example is the US Postal Services. References Baker. J., Bresnahan, T. (2006). Economic evidence in antitrust: Defining markets and measuring market power. Retrieved from Federal Trade Commission. (2012). FTC puts conditions on UHS’s proposed acquisition of Ascend Health Corporation. Retrieved from We will write a custom critical writing sample on Universal Health Services (UHS) Proposed acquisition of Ascend Health Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Meier, M., Albert. S., Brau, S. (2012). Overview of FTC Antitrust actions in health care services and products. Retrieved from This critical writing on Universal Health Services (UHS) Proposed acquisition of Ascend Health Corporation was written and submitted by user Jamarion Carr to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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